Oh The Places We'll Go

France, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Abu Dhabi, Nepal, Singapore, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand

Friday, July 16, 2010

Visiting the French Riviera


On Thursday, Ad and I ventured out of Cagne Sur Mer by train and traveled east along the Mediterrean Sea to Villefranche Sur Mer and Monaco.

Villefranche sur Mer is a stunning small village situated in one of the most beautiful and parts of the Côte d'Azur and dates back to 130 BC. In the middle, a picturesque harbor is known to be one of the most beautiful in the Mediterranean. The village is surrounded by hillsides, luxurious homes and considered one of the most exclusive spots in the area. The port, the old town, and the curve of the hillside all contribute to the beauty of the village.

The port is filled with colorful fishing boats and serves as a base for fishermen, tourists, and offers numerous cruises in the summer. The village is bordered by restaurants, terraces and a popular and lengthy beach to enjoy cooling off from a humid French summer. If you remember the movie Dirty Rotten Scondrels, most of the movie’s scenery takes place in this quaint and beautiful village.

After enjoying the beach, some pizza and a cold French beer, we continued our journey further east down the coast to Monaco.

Monaco is located further east of Villerfranche Sur Mer and is referred to as the Principality of Monaco. Monaco is home to roughly 30,000 residents and its location is between the mountain and the sea.  Its gardens, exceptional harbor and cultural events are unique to other nearby villages. As an independent state in Europe, the Principality of Monaco offers exceptional and secure lifestyles by offering the advantages of an attractive fiscal system. In other words, there are a lot of tax breaks for the wealthy in this small town. Their harbor has the largest boats I have ever seen and seems to be host to many of the rich and famous.

Within Monaco is Monte Carlo, a tiny portion less than 3 kilometers long and located in the on a large rock overlooking the sea. This small town is host to a large casino, Hotel de Paris and many rich and famous.

To see pictures, check out the link located to the right of our blog.

Au revoir!


  1. this is fun living through your blogs and pics!! so fun!!! missing you both. loving reading all this and your photos are amazing! love you much. mom

  2. so fun seeing your photos and reading of your travels! i feel like i'm there! love you both my sweets - love mom!
